Stage Play

Director: James V. Buglewicz
Producer: Susan Carol Davis
Producer: Brenda Ballard
Writer/Producer: Becca Stallard
A family that recognized their strength flourished in love; because love gave them determination to laugh when there was every reason to mourn.

Mary Anne & Me
Through the Voice of Esther
It was, Mary, who many a year ago that talked about the ‘C’.
And she talked about others, whom you may know, that lost their loved-
ones, like me.
And, Mary, she lived with no other thought then to find a cure for the ‘C’.
I was her mother and she was my child; we were as happy as could be,
But we shed our tears and shared our fears, When she told me about her ‘C’.
I then prayed out to the God up in Heaven to save her from the ‘C’.
But God has his reason for saying no, witnessed by, Mary, and me.
A storm came down on her life by day, as she fought against the ‘C’,
and she lost her battle when the good Lord came and took her away from me.
We placed her inside of a coffin and we buried her with her ‘C’.
I was not happy with God up in Heaven and he was not happy with me.
But I had my reasons as all men know for raging against God and ‘C’,
— For He took the ones who were not willing; He took them away from me.
But ~ God’s love is stronger by far, than those who cannot comprehend,
than those who do not understand.
And none of the angels in my heaven above nor, Mary, who drowned in the ‘C’,
could ever divide my soul from the God who made Mary a Part of me.
Now in my dreams, I see, Mary, it seems; her soul is happy and free.
I’ve opened my eyes to the God who is wise ~ who has loved me in spite of ~ me.
I know Mary is home, in her spirit I see her love that was given to me.
~ And now she will live, in spite of the ‘C’,
~ She will live through the love inside me.



Mary Anne





9 out of 10 of Esther's children carried the BRCA1 gene. Six of them died between the ages of 25 - 45. The survivors lived with the knowledge and fear of having passed the gene to their children.
PINOCHLE is based on the inspiration of Esther and her children.
Music & Lyrics: Wild Wild Wind and Restless Wind
written by Larry Stallard
(Uncle of author, Becca Stallard.